
In today’s world, technological advancements bring with it endless opportunities which we try to explore, dissect and experience in Architectural creations.

Time and again, our firm has tried to establish and create designs from understanding the deep-rooted impacts of Architecture on Human emotions.

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office interiors


furniture design

We always tend to fall into the depth of design detailing to feel the relationships created from our design.

Our work culture has imbibed in us into exploring ways to understand this in depth, such as creating advanced algorithms, scaled models of conceptual designs and formulating design processes from concept to execution.

While learning about how we can create architectural forms which interconnect with the users, we also try to understand the sensitivity of its historical connections.

It is imperative for us to understand the historical importance and traditions of its existing place and people in order to design a structure that belongs.

We believe in material explorations and morphology study.

When working with facades we make sure that we play with the material ourselves and understand its capacity to the fullest before its application in projects.

Designing products and furniture has been an underlying passion for the longest of times.

Product design allows us to explore finer details and material capabilities further. We always custom design furniture pieces in our projects and do so on a commissioning basis as well.



Interior design has always been a holistic process for us, we dwell deep into the 3D design and let the space convey a story.

Handcrafting unique spaces based on the individual needs is the credo of the studio.

Sugee developers

office interiors

Our firm has engaged with various projects where we tried to establish socio-physical relationship of Architecture with human emotions. The idea of creating an impact through the sense of place motivates us to design bigger and better each time.

Our design philosophy also talks about how shapes and forms actually influence your mood in a space.

parametric seat

furniture design

metro design

urban infrastructure

Sales lounge

hospitality interiors